For Immediate Release
Monday, June 12, 2006
Adam Eidinger 202-744-2671
U.S. Businesses Back Return
Industrial Hemp Farming
Interest Grows as States Take
Action to Grow Hemp in 2007
North Dakota
and California
are in a race to be the first state in the U.S. to commercially
grow industrial hemp since Wisconsin
grew the last hemp crop nearly 50 years ago. This week,
each state will conduct important public hearings on
the subject. The California Senate Public Safety Committee
holds a hearing Tuesday, June 13, 2006 on AB
1147, a bill that would affirmatively grant farmers
the right to grow industrial hemp to produce seed and
fiber, while North Dakota's Agriculture Commissioner
Roger Johnson holds a public hearing on Thursday, June
15, 2006 about rules expected to be finalized later
this year that would license farmers to grow hemp under
existing state
The hearings are taking place in the
shadow of Canadian hemp farming which has seen steady
growth over the last six years. This year, Canada
is expected to grow a record 40,000 acres of industrial
hemp. Nevertheless, rumors persist that the demand for
hemp seed from U.S. food producers — whose sales
are growing 50% each year — will create shortages
before harvest again this summer, forcing buyers to
go to Europe or China for seed. "American farmers
are tired of looking around the world and seeing other
farmers making healthy profits growing hemp for export
to the U.S. They want change," says Vote Hemp President
Eric Steenstra.
Support for state
action on industrial hemp farming is growing among
U.S. manufacturers whose appetite for hemp fiber, seed
and oil is fueling the increased demand. For example,
in the automotive industry, industrial hemp is used
in the natural fiber composites that have rapidly replaced
fiberglass as the material of choice for vehicle interiors.
FlexForm, an Indiana manufacturer whose hemp-content
materials are found in an estimated 2.5 million vehicles
in North America today, uses approximately 250,000 pounds
of hemp fiber per year. The company says industrial
hemp could easily take a greater share of the 4 million
pounds of natural fiber it uses yearly, as "hemp
fiber possesses physical properties beneficial to our
natural fiber-based composites." In addition, FlexForm
says it would "gladly expand domestic purchases."
an environmentally conscious outdoor clothing manufacturer
and retailer that sells hemp clothing at Whole
Foods, has recently agreed to add its name to the
list of businesses that support California's hemp bill.
That list already includes Dr.
Bronner's Magic Soaps (North America's top-selling
natural soap company), Alterna
(a high-end salon hair products company) and Nutiva
(a rising star among innovative health food companies).
Sales of hemp foods in 2004/2005 grew
by 50% over the previous 12-month period. U.S. retail
sales of hemp products are estimated to now be $250
to $300 million per year. European farmers now grow
more than 40,000 acres of hemp.
Currently seven states
(Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota
and West Virginia) have changed their laws to give farmers
an affirmative right to grow industrial hemp commercially
or for research purposes. California's AB
1147 already passed the state Assembly in January
and is expected to be voted on in the state Senate before
August. Both the California and North Dakota plans for
hemp farming require that planted hemp contain less
than three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) — which ensures no impact on drug
testing and no psychoactive effect. North Dakota
also prescribes criminal background checks, sets standards
on the minimum acreage, and requires reporting of the
location of hemp fields to law enforcement.
More information about industrial hemp
legislation and the crop's many uses may be found at